Background Music for Grocery Stores and Supermarkets

Background Music for Grocery Stores and Supermarkets

Music Streaming Service For Grocery Stores

Music Streaming Service for Grocery Stores and Supermarkets

Whether you operate a large supermarket, a high-end food emporium, or a small grocery store, background music is an integral part of your overall design and a critical element when setting the tone for your business.

Carefully curated background music played at the right time encourages your ideal customers to linger longer and plays a positive role in the overall shopping experience with the potential to increase customer satisfaction, enhance your company’s image, and increase revenue.

Customize your music streaming service to meet the specific needs of your business and build your brand with My Instore Radio.

We Ensure a Unique Background Music Solution Based on the Option You Choose for Your Grocery Store

All our background music for supermarkets includes the same features and our complete licensed music library with all the songs your customers know and love. You can even switch between our flexible background music solutions for grocery stores whenever you prefer.

Pre-Programmed Channels For Supermarkets

Choose from a wide selection of pre-programmed channels, designed by our team of experts to set the mood in your supermarket. Dynamically updated so they always stay fresh.

Combine Music Genres with Genre Selector™

Mix and match from dozens of popular music genres to create your very own custom supermarket radio station in minutes. Manage your music from anywhere with our control panel.

Let Us Create the Perfect Playlist For Your Supermarket

Based on the demographics of your business and all the tools from professional radio stations, we create the perfect playlist to motivate staff and engage your customers.

Select your playlist song-by-song with Song Selector™

Select every single song yourself. Based on your selections, we create a new custom mix every day and assist you by reviewing and rating all songs and lyrics in advance.

My Instore Radio – The Best Choice for Music in Your Market

We recognize the power of music – and know how to utilize it best to connect with your customers. Studies have shown that well-placed background music increases sales and customer satisfaction. Our system provides customized playlists that are perfect for all types of grocery stores. You are also always welcome to program your own music as you see fit.

In a busy market, the music you decide to play has significant consequences. Studies have shown that the right music can increase sales by as much as 50%. Typically, songs that are quiet and reflective encourage relaxed contemplation; medium tempo songs at moderate volume promote busy, engaged behavior; whereas louder, fast-paced music is appropriate in a high-energy, crowded setting.

Music influences staff behavior in markets as well. The right music can both calm and energize both patrons and staff. Your workers need to stay positive, so even in stressful moments when your store is packed, and lines are long, upbeat, cheerful songs will improve everyone’s mood and increase productivity. Not to mention, the right music puts a smile on customer’s faces when they recognize a familiar song.

Background Music For Supermarkets
Best Choice For Music In Your Market

How Important Is Background Music for Grocery Stores?

Let’s face it, streaming music is everywhere these days. Intentionally placed background music becomes an important part of a successful market’s brand.

Whether your customers are searching for the right cut of beef, perusing the gourmet cheese display, waiting in the check-out line, or just browsing the aisles, we offer dozens of suggested playlists for whatever mood fits the moment.

We can customize playlists for different times of the day, or different days of the week, as management needs require. In addition to engaging customers with favorites, some markets may even want to expose shoppers to new music.

Different Music for Different Settings

My Instore Radio offers playlists that set the mood for any time and/or location. For example, a classic rock playlist works well in a large supermarket, whereas indie rock or upbeat jazz may be the better choice at an upscale grocery.

Want to move customers along more quickly during busy times? Modern pop will do the trick. Or if you want to slow things down and encourage browsing, an acoustic guitar-based singer-songwriter will set the right vibe.

And for holiday season, we’ve got you covered. My Instore Radio offers curated seasonal playlists, ranging from pop hits to jazz. Come November, that holiday playlist will be just what your customers want to hear! With My Instore Radio, there’s something for every taste and every possible setting.

Music For Your Supermarket

Everything You Need to Meet the Specific Needs of Your Supermarket Business

My Instore Radio is a subscription-based background music streaming and digital signage solution for supermarkets and grocery stores. From small businesses to global brands, My Instore Radio scales to any business size and can be centrally managed from anywhere to create a consistent music experience.


Choose the Right Option for Your Supermarket

Select the right media player option for your supermarket, sign up for an account, and you are ready to manage music, video and overhead messaging.

  • The reliable, ‘set-and-forget’ MIR Media Player. A dedicated piece of hardware for either music or video streaming. A business media player for business needs.
  • The MIR Streaming App. Download and install the app on one of the devices you already have and you are ready to play music.
My Instore Radio streaming player
digital signage supermarket

Digital Signage for Supermarkets

Digital signage is the next-level method for reaching out to your customers and engaging with them.

Use in-store digital signage from My Instore Radio to create an exciting and immersive supermarket shopping experience, spotlight sales, promote new services and grow customer loyalty.

Let’s discuss your business needs